§ 13-4. Separate licenses and license transfer.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A separate occupational license shall be obtained for each unique and different type of business conducted, operated, maintained, or carried on by every person engaged in any occupation, calling, trade, or enterprise, within the city, for which a license is required by the ordinance of the city, unless prohibited by F.S. Ch. 205.


    Whenever any business, occupation or profession shall fall into more than one (1) of the classifications contained in the schedule set forth in this article, such occupation, business, or profession shall be required to comply with all requirements and to pay the occupational license fee imposed under or pertaining to each classification or privilege. The city manager or his/her designee shall have the authority to determine the classification for each business activity. All business activities shall be assigned a least one (1) of the approved classifications. Many of the classifications are general in nature, and the occupational license administrator will maintain a more complete list of the businesses contained in each classification


    An occupational license may be transferred to a new owner when there is a bona fide sale of the business, upon payment of a transfer fee of ten (10) per cent of the annual license fee, but not less than five dollars ($5.00) and a maximum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), and presentation of the original license and evidence of the sale. The holder of the occupational license shall within ten (10) days after such sale of the business, have the license transferred, otherwise said license shall becomes null and void, and of no effect.


    In the event a business location is changed to another location within the city limits of the City of Cocoa Beach, the holder of the occupational license must, have the license transferred to the new location. This transfer must be made upon the presentation of the original license and evidence of the location change and upon the payment of a transfer fee of ten (10) per cent of the specified annual fee, with a minimum of five dollars ($5.00) and a maximum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Such transfer shall be made within ten days (10) after the transfer of the location of the business, otherwise said license shall become null and void, and of no effect.


    No occupational license issued to a general contractor or subcontractor may be assigned or transferred from one person to another.


    If an owner of an occupational license changes to a different SIC code, but within the same main classification, said owner will not be charged an additional fee provided the change in SIC classification is reported in writing to the occupational licensing department in the City of Cocoa Beach within thirty (30) days of said change.

(Ord. No. 1345, § 1, 9-5-2002)