Article I. IN GENERAL  

§ 14-1. Permit required.
§ 14-2. Definitions.
§ 14-3. Advanced notification; submission of request to special events coordinator; contents.
§ 14-4. Review; notification of request to city commission/applicant.
§ 14-5. Special event permit; fee/issuance.
§ 14-6. Terms and conditions; appeals.
§ 14-7. Performance bond; security for damage to public property.
§ 14-8. Indemnification/insurance; liquor liability insurance.
§ 14-9. Alcohol and beverage sales.
§ 14-10. Public law enforcement and private security services.
§ 14-11. Fire department services.
§ 14-12. Emergency medical services (EMS); advanced life support/water rescue.
§ 14-13. Public works services.
§ 14-14. Building department services.
§ 14-15. Portable toilets; number required; locations; servicing.
§ 14-16. Garbage pickup; servicing; fees.
§ 14-17. Location of public parking; transportation services.
§ 14-18. Public street barricades/street closures/detours.
§ 14-19. Proposed traffic flow.
§ 14-20. Emergency vehicle access.
§ 14-21. Pedestrian traffic access.
§ 14-22. Temporary structures; integrity, height, location.
§ 14-23. Number and location of vendors/concession/applicant(s) stands/booths.
§ 14-24. Number and location of static and mobile displays.
§ 14-25. Location of staff management headquarters/telephone numbers/sound system location/uniform identification.
§ 14-26. Number and location of special needs.
§ 14-27. Temporary signs/banners.
§ 14-28. Promotional visual effects.
§ 14-29. Miscellaneous requirements.
§ 14-29.5. Penalties.