§ 14-2. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Applicant is the individual(s) or entity who makes application to the city to hold a special event. The applicant(s) is responsible for compliance with terms and conditions set forth in the planning meeting and requirements set forth herein.

    Classifications; waivers. Special events shall be classified in the below-listed categories and subject to certain terms and conditions based on the impact the event may have on Cocoa Beach residents, businesses, and city services.

    "Class A." Those public or private events which by design are intended to attract patrons from both within and outside Brevard County and may include: 1. Paid commercial advertisement, and; 2. outside beer/alcohol concessions or amplified entertainment. These events shall include but are not limited to certain festivals, concerts, athletic events, contests, competitions and dances. These events may include:

    Up to four (4) stages

    One (1) observation tower

    Multiple sources of amplified sound


    Food and beverage sales

    Four (4) days of activities

    Hours of operation: no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and no later than 11:00 p.m. (1:00 a.m.—New Year's Eve), unless otherwise stipulated by the terms of the special event permit.

    "Class B." Those activities or events that involve the private use of city-owned or controlled property and are not open to the general public. These events are characterized by their limited impact on traffic, parking and noise in surrounding neighborhoods, and do not exceed the capacity of the facility or other property proposed to be used. Such events or activities shall include, but are not limited to, weddings, picnics, family reunions, block parties, and birthday parties. These events may include:

    Serving of food

    Beverages and alcohol (where permissible)

    Up to two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of tents/canopies

    One (1) source of amplified sound

    Up to eight (8) hours of activities

    At least one (1) and less than five hundred (500) people

    Hours of operation: no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and no later than 11:00 p.m. (1:00 a.m.—New Year's Eve), unless otherwise stipulated by the terms of the special event permit.

    City sponsored event. The city reserves the right to sponsor special events. City sponsored events may be exempt from the procedural and fee requirements contained herein, if they comply with requirements regarding city sponsorships.

    City will not waive fees but may utilize the fees as a sponsorship level for the event. The sponsorship level must be consistent in value with the investment being made by the city. The sponsorship level at minimum will include city logo on all printed materials. Also included, but not limited to, radio ads, TV, billboards, tee shirts, social media, banners, etc. City manager can approve to apply application fee, as well as, up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to event sponsorships.

    City hosted events: City hosted special events are exempt from city fee requirements, city hosted events include, but are not limited to, Annual Fourth of July, Christmas boat parade, Christmas parade, Fourth of July fireworks display, Annual Art Festival, Veteran's Day ceremony, etc.

    "Class C": Outdoor events on non-residential property that exceed the occupancy capacity of the establishment/structure where the event is held, but which require no city services, shall obtain a Class "C" event permit through the city leisure services department.

    Fees. All fees are as set forth in the city's schedule of fees, rates and charges, adopted by Resolution 2014-02, as same may be amended from time to time (hereinafter "Fee Schedule").

    Letter of request for approval is the document submitted and signed by the Class "C" event applicant(s) which notifies the city of their intent to conduct an event and request city approval. Commercial, professional motion and still photography production applicants will submit to the city a permit issued by the TDC of their intent to conduct an event and request city approval. The city will accept the TDC permit and the special events coordinator may issue a city permit in kind. All photography that is not for professional or commercial productions as set forth herein, is included in the Class "A" or "B" special event permit or Class "C" event permit

    Public property is any public street, sidewalk, place, property, easement, structure or facility owned, dedicated, controlled or otherwise under the jurisdiction and control of the city.

    Special event is any public or private event held within the corporate limits of the city, in which it can be anticipated that the number of persons attending the event will exceed the on-site parking available at the premises upon which the event will take place; or any public or private event in which it can be reasonably expected that services will be required beyond those that are regularly provided by the city such as additional police services, traffic control, crowd control, fire and/or emergency medical services, street closures, garbage cleanup, or other municipal services which may be necessary to service the event. Additionally, those public or private events that involve musical groups or amplified sound, high intensity lighting, fireworks, erection of temporary structures on city-owned or controlled property, displays or other activities of such a nature that impinge upon any adjacent public, business or residential area shall be considered as a special event. This may include, but not be limited to athletic events, surfing contests, sailing regattas, carnivals, concerts, religious events, walk-a-thons, competitions, block parties, street dances, parades, car shows, art/craft shows, merchandising sales, bazaars, fireworks displays, motion and still photography productions or other similar activities which meet the definition listed herein for special events.

    Special events committee shall be composed of city department representatives whose department or division may be impacted by the special event. The committee shall be convened by the special events coordinator for each "Class A" and "Class B" event.

    Special events coordinator shall be appointed by the city manager to coordinate the management of special events in relation to permit applications, approvals, and the impact of the event on city services. The special events coordinator shall serve as the liaison between the applicant, and the special events committee. The special events coordinator is responsible for keeping the city manager informed of upcoming events. The special events coordinator has the authority to issue wedding permits and "Class C" events without convening the special events committee.

    Special events permit application is the application filed with the city to secure a Class "A" or Class "B" special events permit.

    Vendor/concession/business is any person, corporation, entity or enterprise providing the sale of goods or services for profit and/or the promotion, production, operation or management of any activities related to a special event as defined above. Vendors are required to obtain a temporary business tax receipt. Artists who are participants in the Annual Art Festival are not considered "vendors" for the purpose of this chapter.

    Wedding permit: Weddings performed on city owned or maintained property within the corporate limits of the city must obtain a wedding permit through the special events coordinator (if the wedding does not require a Class "A" or "B" permit).

(Ord. No. 1255, § 1, 11-2-2000; Ord. No. 1578, § 1, 3-20-2014)