§ 14-22. Temporary structures; integrity, height, location.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the applicant(s) of the special event to ensure that the structural integrity of all temporary structures erected for the special event is safe, structurally sound and adequately based on the number of persons specified to use the structure. The height of approved temporary structures shall not exceed forty-five (45) feet above the existing ground elevation at the location the temporary structure is erected. All temporary structures shall have a Class III type ladder or steps for each elevation level. The location of all temporary structures, erected for the purpose of the special event, shall be approved by the city and shall not be located as to damage the environment. Canopy-style tents may be approved for use on the beach. All temporary structures shall be properly anchored against the possibility of strong weather conditions. Applicant(s) shall submit a written certification from a state-licensed structural engineer that all temporary structures, in which scaffolding and/or staging equipment is utilized in construction, is deemed safe and has the structural integrity necessary and appropriate for the use for which it is intended. No spectators, competitors and/or participants of the special event shall be permitted on the temporary structures at any time unless approved by the applicant(s) staff.

(Ord. No. 1255, § 1, 11-2-2000; Ord. No. 1578, § 1, 3-20-2014)