§ 14-33. Review; notification of request to city commission/applicant.
The special events coordinator shall review the letter of request for approval to determine if the proposed production may be designated as a motion and still photography production. If the production requires less than ten (10) persons and has minimal impact on any public property and/or city services in any manner, it will be considered a minor production event. The special events coordinator will then approve or disapprove and notify the applicant. If the production is large enough to meet the definition of a motion and still photography production, the special events coordinator will make arrangements for a special events committee planning meeting. The planning meeting will include discussion on all aspects of the impact of the production on the city, establish policy and procedural requirements and determine the necessary city services and an appropriate fee schedule. The special events coordinator shall notify the applicant of approval or disapproval and any additional requirements, no less than three (3) days prior to the commencement of the production period. If the production is not approved, the city shall not be responsible for any costs incurred in relation to the production.
(Ord. No. 1255, § 1, 11-2-2000)