§ 15-29. Same—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • The term "loud and raucous noise" does not include noise or sound generated by the following:


    Cries for emergency assistance and warning calls.


    Radios, sirens, horns and bells on police, fire and other emergency response vehicles.


    Parades, fireworks displays and other special events for which a permit has been obtained from the city within such hours and abiding by such restrictions as may be imposed as conditions for the issuance of the permit.


    Activities on or in municipal and school athletic facilities and on or in publicly owned property and facilities, provided that such activities have been authorized by the owner of such property or facilities or its agent.


    Fire alarms and burglar alarms, prior to the giving of notice and a reasonable opportunity for the owner or tenant in possession of the premises served by any such alarm to turn off the alarm.




    Any activity specifically authorized by the city manager or designee to address operational necessity or emergency.

(Ord. No. 1006, § 4, 8-19-1993)