§ 15-34. Littering.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    As used in this section, the following definitions are applicable:


    Ocean beach is the public beach within the corporate limits of the city, as defined in section 5-50(a), City Code;


    Sea dune area is that area of land immediately adjacent to the ocean beach, and as defined in section 5-50(c), City Code; and,


    Public place shall include any street, road, alley, lane, boulevard, park, beach, dock, or land dedicated to the City of Cocoa Beach or in and upon which the City of Cocoa Beach or any other governmental entity has an easement or right to use, or held in fee simple title by the City of Cocoa Beach or any other governmental entity located within the city (hereinafter "public property").


    No person shall leave or deposit any trash, refuse or debris on the ocean beach, sea dune area, any public dune crossover, or any public place or public property. Any such trash, refuse or debris shall be placed, when available, in a container designated for such purpose. If there is no receptacle, or if the receptacle is full, all trash or refuse must be removed from the beach, sea dune area, public dune crossover, public place or public property.


    Any person who violates or fails to comply with any provisions of this section "Littering" shall be subject to the following:


    The issuance of Class V citation in accordance with the provisions of City Code Chapter 30; or,


    Enforcement by other means including, but not limited to: a summons; a notice to appear in the county or circuit court; an arrest; an action before the special magistrate/code enforcement board; or a civil action for injunctive relief; or,


    Punished in accordance with general penalty set forth in Chapter 1, section 1-8 of this Code.

(Ord. No. 1434, § 2, 8-3-2006; Ord. No. 1600, § 2, 8-18-2016)