§ 19-10. Promulgation/enforcement of reclaimed water service and procedures.
Promulgation and enforcement. The city manager shall have the power to promulgate procedures and regulations with respect to the following matters which procedures and regulations shall become effective upon a resolution approving same being adopted by the city commission.
Application procedures and requirements.
Installation requirements, and permits, including specification of acceptable materials, devices and regulations to prevent backflow or cross-connection with the city reuse system and any other system.
Procedures for enforcement of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to reclaimed water including procedures for inspection of the customer's system.
Procedures for the orderly expansion and use of the reclaimed water system, public and private.
Procedures to insure that all wells located on the property receiving reuse water will be completely disconnected from irrigation systems on the property. Wells may be maintained and used for other purposes providing there is no potential physical connection to the reuse system.
Promulgation and regulations. The city manager may when necessary for the efficient operation of the reclaimed water system or for the health or safety of the general public or the customer, establish regulations regarding the following matters which regulations shall become effective at the time of promulgation without the need for city commission approval:
The time(s) of day or night and the number of days per week during which the reclaimed water may be used by customers.
The maximum number and type of uses of the reclaimed water.
Cross connection/noncomplying device prohibited. Cross-connection of reclaimed reuse water with other sources of water or use for potable purposes is prohibited. Reuse water shall not enter a residence or building or within a dwelling unit. No person shall construct, operate, maintain, or allow to remain present on the property owned or controlled, any device or system which is connected to or which controls a device or system connected to the city's reclaimed water system and which is not in compliance with all provisions of this code and the United States Environmental Protection Agency manual: Guidelines for Water Reuse and the Water Supply Division, Cross-Connection Control Manual, the American Water Works Association M-14 Manual, Latest Editions, related to reclaimed water and with all procedures and regulations promulgated pursuant to this section. The person who owns or controls the property upon which such a noncomplying device or system is found shall be liable to the city for the amount by which the costs associated with the securing and/or removal of the noncomplying device or system exceeds the cost of a normal discontinuance of service. These excess costs shall constitute a lien against the property upon which the noncomplying device or system is located.
Device(s) and installation. The minimum required type of device for backflow installation upon the residential premises to protect the potable water supply where reclaimed water is to be used, shall not be less than a double check valve being in-line, repairable, and testable having replaceable seats. Installation shall require testing of the device at time of installation by a certified/licensed tester and shall be tested annually. Vacuum breakers shall be installed on all outside potable water faucets to prevent back siphonage. All installations shall comply with requirements set by the City Code.
Noncompliance liability. Any customer whose reclaimed water system is in violation of any city ordinance, regulation, or procedure shall be subject to immediate discontinuance of reclaimed water service. Such discontinuance of service shall not relieve any person of liability for civil actions or for municipal ordinance violation prosecution.
System responsibility. The director of utilities will be the designee for the program. The director will be responsible for the training of personnel in cross-connection control and inspection to see that the adopted rules are followed.
Home owner/change of ownership. Where reuse is in use or available on the premises, notification of any change of ownership or control of the property shall be given to the city utilities billing department, building department, and to the water reclamation facility or designee(s) as to the change. Failure to do so will result in discontinuance of service.
In-ground irrigation and prohibited attachments. All irrigation systems shall be permanently installed and consist of low trajectory water droplet spray heads or underground irrigation of in-ground irrigation design. Hose connections and faucets are prohibited on the reclaimed water system.
Owners reuse control. A hand control valve must be installed and accessible on the users side of the city curbstop service line, and adjacent thereto.
(Ord. No. 1031, § 2, 3-17-1994)