§ 5-60. Sea dune protection.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person shall walk upon, traverse, sit, stand or lay upon, over or across any sea dune area except:


    On an approved and permitted dune crossover;


    When authorized in advance by the city manager or his/her designate in the performance of a city-approved or authorized activity or event;


    For purposes of access to and from the ocean beach by abutting private property owner(s); or,


    Activities to maintain and preserve the natural sea dune area.


    No person shall store any materials in any sea dune area unless permission to do has been granted by the city manager or his/her designate.


    No person shall remove, cut, alter, or otherwise disturb any plant or vegetation located on the sea dune area without first obtaining approval from the city manager or his designee or duly authorized representative of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Any trimming, cutting or other forms of maintenance of the plants or vegetation on the sea dune area shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.


    Sea dune area is that area of land immediately adjacent to the ocean beach, and as defined in section 5-50(c), City Code.


    Any person who violates or fails to comply with any provisions of this section "Traversing dunes prohibited" shall be subject to the following:


    The issuance of Class III citation in accordance with the provisions of City Code Chapter 31; or,


    Enforcement by other means including, but not limited to: a summons; a notice to appear in the county or circuit court; an arrest; an action before the special magistrate/code enforcement board; or a civil action for injunctive relief; or,


    Punished in accordance with general penalty set forth in chapter 1, section 1-8 of this Code.

(Ord. No. 1436, § 2, 10-5-2006)